Arash December 20, 2012, 17:25
Love you Assange for your program keep it up mate.
Ibtissem July 28, 2012, 11:01
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jmk July 5, 2012, 09:27
Although many of us are helpless toward heroes like Nabeel .. we all sure can support them in many ways and pray for them and their cause , and curse those dictators and their supporters.
Long live freedom seekers
Good job Assange , keep it up
We support you
Nemo June 25, 2012, 06:44
Pleas keep going. Peoples need truth. Wish all the best!
Josh Thurston June 13, 2012, 10:51
(typo corrected) What a moving interview. How can not every ones heart go out to these extortionary men. It sure makes the U.S.A look bad, and for good reason. In fact when I saw Saudis roll over the border it sure did not pass whiff test. Furthermore it sure made the aforementioned look like proxies for America like partied Israel. These men are true "heroes" more so than any US serviceman or servicewomen who claim they fight for freedom when these chaps really are doing it. The US government and all who praise the US troops and not these men and their cause for freedom are scum. Out standing individuals hope they will be free one day. Why does not the US support regime change there? I guess just as long as it is "their" dictator or racist partied state it’s OK. Remember who gave Saddam Hussein the silver spurs given him by you-know-who then plotted his over throw ... Reagan’s boy Donald Rumsfeld. Sorry America and Israel what you feared the most in the past you have become ...... Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the context of the world today. The US is trying to be like Ancient Rome controlling through religion and economics
Scott June 12, 2012, 23:07
"Great show. Real people that are insightful and very thoughtful . . . . an idea cannot be jailed, tortured, or killed. These two gentleman clearly know this and live it. Hope and freedom to you both." - noam chomsky’s comment above.

couldn’t have said it better, so i’m gonna give it back to a REAL hero of mine.
thanks noam! thanks julian, hearing other views than the drummed up war chants of corporate cable is something i appreciate tremendously.
Choam Nomsky May 29, 2012, 10:01
Great show. Real people that are insightful and very thoughtful . . . . an idea cannot be jailed, tortured, or killed. These two gentleman clearly know this and live it. Hope and freedom to you both.
Naama May 15, 2012, 23:04
Simply put, you are the best.
bailian May 15, 2012, 17:02
An excellent and emotional episode.
May God be with you !
Anonymous May 14, 2012, 23:11
The Promises that Obama made before elections, like: change, transparency and open government... are being realised by Jullian Assange, the collective Anonymous, occupy movements, bloggers, activists and many other peaceful freedomfighters.
And yet Obama cracks down on all of them...

America says China and Iran shouldn’t censor the internet, yet America introduces the most outrages censorship bills like SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and now CISPA.
Pushing the most anti-democratic bills in the name of counter terrorism.

My heart goes out to all who stand and fight for positive change, freedom and revolution. Throughout religion,race,class or any kind of imaginairy borders. We are one, and we will win this war.