FROM MEXICO April 29, 2012, 21:36
Any chance Fidel Castro or brother can be a guest? It would be interesting to see their point of view on globalization and the future of Latin American countries.
What? April 29, 2012, 21:25
What was the clown Zizek talking about? Why have two Zionists talking rubbish like that?

Assange needs to use all that information he got and talk to Chomsky ALONE about it.

why can no one interview people properly on television?

It`s almost as though they don`t want to hear the truth.
floriel April 29, 2012, 17:23
is there some kind of rss-feed, twitter-account,... for the episodes?
Karl Marx and Almighty God April 29, 2012, 17:17
John (RSA)wrote on April 29, 2012, 15:39
In a media age of globalisation the danger is that the entire world HAS to become a surveillance totalitarian state and feudal system where the truth is feared and denounced by the new global aristocracy of money and their markets and NATO and CIA and their MEDIA !! The whole world has been arranged NOT to ask the questions rational sensible free people would naturally ask if this WAS a democratic global society. The Pope and the BBC and the Zionists might lose some power if we heard as much about Athanese Seromba as they make sure we hear about Anders Breivik......but the whole corrupt House of Cards might collapse if we realised that Breivik is a Zionist who gets his support from our Israeli superpower. Jim , those who kicks against the elements kicks against their own survival! Right on brother

John...we sense that Jim would not object to us pointing out that a very long line of luminaries (and much braver and more intelligent souls) have suffered and died attempting to say ALL that Jim has said ...and much MORE besides in the struggle to create a better fairer and more civilised future for ALL MANKIND!

What they LACKED then was a modern secular scientific understanding of human psychology and sociology..... and an INTERNET with which to circumvent the watchful secret police and military muscle of the guardians of the status quo ante.

They are our REAL fallen heroes...and Jim is just a rather silly old man tapping at a computer keyboard from the safety of his old age and warm a secure home not far from GCHQ in England.

If you want some REAL insights watch a properly intelligently professionally conducted interview on RT of Colonel Douglas A McGregor on your screens right now!
John (RSA) April 29, 2012, 15:39
Jim Evans in Worcesterwrote on April 29, 2012, 11:06
In a media age of globalisation the danger is that the entire world HAS to become a surveillance totalitarian state and feudal system where the truth is feared and denounced by the new global aristocracy of money and their markets and NATO and CIA and their MEDIA !! The whole world has been arranged NOT to ask the questions rational sensible free people would naturally ask if this WAS a democratic global society. The Pope and the BBC and the Zionists might lose some power if we heard as much about Athanese Seromba as they make sure we hear about Anders Breivik......but the whole corrupt House of Cards might collapse if we realised that Breivik is a Zionist who gets his support from our Israeli superpower.

Jim , those who kicks against the elements kicks against their own survival! Right on brother
Jim Evans in Worcester April 29, 2012, 13:11

Thank you RT for offering me this tiny opportunity to speak the truth as I see it.

If I am right about the current state of the world the fascist media owning global oligarchy will move swiftly to silence me ....and eliminate any "damage" created by my comments!

Freedom and democracy? NO WAY JOSE!!

Jim Evans in Worcester April 29, 2012, 12:54
The Assange bun fight between Zizek and Horowitz was a unconscious PUNISHMENT for Horowitz.
At an unconscious level the new liberal humanitarian global middle class of smug politicians and journalists and NGO`s who lecture us sanctimoniously form White House lawns and Number Ten Downing Street and from their BBC/Fox (and RT?) vantage points.....HATE people like Horowitz who have seen through their "socialist" and "democratic" GAME of PRETENDING to care deeply about the plight of their fellow man .....while secretly knowing that if the world really WAS just and fair and equal and democratic.....THEIR nice house and limousine and enjoyable working and living standards could be gone forever.

What would happen if RT ran the global economy and the BBC ran the migration and border controls of the whole world? It`s just a rhetorical question to bring you a preliminary REALITY CHECK!
Holocaust VICTIM ...speaking from the grave. April 29, 2012, 11:51
Thanks last you have told the truth we secular Jewish intellectuals and socialists were deliberately murdered to cover up.

We were never fighting to create a world made of of fascist racist Zionist-type states ...OR one run by the sort of Wall Street crooks who are still (unconsciously) causing mayhem and murder and injustice and totalitarianism throughout the world today.

All we ever wanted was to RE-JOIN the human race as EQUALS after centuries of being "in power" and "out of favour" by turns.....and being persecuted and murdered in our millions.
Almighty God April 29, 2012, 11:28
Yes Jim....

..but there is some VERY GOOD news in all this......and it`s simply that mankind can turn all this to his he finally understands what is going on and why "events" really "happen" AS THEY DO!

For a start we can all stop BLAMING and SCAPE-GOATING and PERSECUTING whoever is too weak and demoralised to fight back... or too powerful to care!

Jim Evans in Worcester April 29, 2012, 11:06

In a media age of globalisation the danger is that the entire world HAS to become a surveillance totalitarian state and feudal system where the truth is feared and denounced by the new global aristocracy of money and their markets and NATO and CIA and their MEDIA !!

The whole world has been arranged NOT to ask the questions rational sensible free people would naturally ask if this WAS a democratic global society.

The Pope and the BBC and the Zionists might lose some power if we heard as much about Athanese Seromba as they make sure we hear about Anders Breivik......but the whole corrupt House of Cards might collapse if we realised that Breivik is a Zionist who gets his support from our Israeli superpower.