Victoria Climbie and Sayyid Qutb May 16, 2012, 18:52

Yes ...we are the victims of western liberalism in our different ways...of a culture that TALKS of freedom and democracy and justice but secretly empowered "religious" SAVAGES to do unspeakably cruel things to us under the guise of an open border CIA Soros-engineered globalist world....... where our humiliation and pain were cynically overlooked by the preening imbeciles who pretend to represent the common man but really only ever serve the Zionist Aristocracy of Money and its corrupt and evil global empire.
Przemyslaw Zychowski May 16, 2012, 14:58
The man above stating that a death penalty is acceptable under Sharia law and in its context have no ground to preach their disapproval of any western law. It seems they use you Julian under the pretext of freedom and fairness to further their goals. I accept the fact that injustice has happened and is happening but I would hate to see this lawyer preaching stoning and justifying it in any context. Democracy means not always agreeing with the opposing party but after watching this video and listening to these man I find it hard to feel and remorse for what was done to the detainees. The religious Muslim view of the world belongs in the iron age and not in the information age, the views were progressive in the iron age not in the information age. It is hard to watch the so called educated man brainwashed with their religion and making such uneducated statements in respect to capital punishment. They weaken their position and their moral stand, and they weaken you Julian, you seem to support their causes. I would hate to see a religion based state oppressing woman and people based on religious laws and views of the world. These religious fanatics both Christian and Muslim is the biggest threat to our liberties.
chigoravie May 16, 2012, 14:21
In reply to a couple of posts where it is said that the questions where out of topic, they really weren’t. The reason Assange asked about the Sharia reveals, I think, an underlying question: how can people who are against unlawful treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, accept the stoning of adulterous women, albeit following a lawful procedure? The issue here is not so much lawful vs unlawful but if the rule of law really respects human rights, which it seems not to in most cases.
TJ May 16, 2012, 12:45
The problem with unity through Islam is that it leaves out all the other human beings who choose not to worship one specific interpretation of divinity. Islam is insistent on conglomerating its believers by force rather than choice. Isn’t it strange they have a vision of a land where only Muslims can govern? Whatever religion (or lack thereof), be glad if one’s lucky enough to live in a country where an explanation to the fed isn’t required unless the actions intrude on the law.
Adrian May 16, 2012, 12:27
Sometimes I don’t understand Assange’s way to lead the dialogues. Having the opportunity to ask two persons about their experiences in Guantanamo, their political activism against an Empire, their knowledge under the political struggles etc, you start to ask about the Califate or personal questions of death penalty within Sharia etc? It started good, but it got messy. Come on, you can better that that!
Michelle van Rooyen May 16, 2012, 10:39
Coming from South Africa - where we are fortunate enough to have not been exposed to the brutality going on in the world. This was really an eye-opener. I can sympathise more with the Islamic faith, than the police state we call the USA. We have taken religion and allowed it to be distorted in a way that incorrectly defines our perceptions of others. They can never destroy our spirits, that is true freedom. Just a pity we cannot experience unity and instead flourish with the fear instilled in our hearts. A revolution is coming. What government will be protecting you then?
Bob in Florida May 16, 2012, 08:48
Thank you so much for fulfilling my desire to hear the other side of the story. I am so very annoyed with our alphabet networks only pratting one side of the story.
Our government wants to brainwash America (and there’s so little to wash at this time) and I personally suffeer for lack of information so that I may be able to arrive at an intelligent conclusion.
Thank you Julian and keep up the great work.
USA May 16, 2012, 07:30
Otto von Bulow wrote; "In April of 1978 Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) signed military treaty with Russia on defense of their country in case of being attacked. Nur Muhammad Taraki was head of state and government at that time. Taraki introduced several unpopular reforms during his rule, the most notable being equal rights to women, universal education and land reform. At that moment USA and GB (CIA MI6) organized full blown assault on DRA which was staged from Pakistan."

I knew that. Under Russian pressure Taraki did the reforms so he asked Russians for protection. I would do the same.

you are good Otto, very good
Alexandra May 16, 2012, 07:29

Keep the dry humor coming. It is completely endearing. I am thoroughly enjoying these interviews. I almost feel like a bit of a voyeur because the voices of these men would normally not be heard in this venue. It gives the interviews a clandestine feel.

This could be big.

Otto von Bulow May 16, 2012, 06:04
Good stuff Julian! You are an excellent interviewer. But Let me correct your guests.

Russians did not invade Afghanistan per se.

In April of 1978 Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) signed military treaty with Russia on defense of their country in case of being attacked. Nur Muhammad Taraki was head of state and government at that time. Taraki introduced several unpopular reforms during his rule, the most notable being equal rights to women, universal education and land reform. At that moment USA and GB (CIA MI6) organized full blown assault on DRA which was staged from Pakistan.

Russians were obligated to react under the treaty.

80% of so called mujahidins fighting Democratic Republic of Afghanistan then Russian forces were imports cloth , fed and armed by USA via Pakistani hands!

Afghanistan was invaded by British and Americans using their Pakistani / Saudi Muslim Proxies just as they did recently in Libya and are trying to do in Syria today, only the number of US-GB-Israel equipped Pakistanis/Arabs was huge in comparison to what is happening in Libya or Syria.

Why do you think USA (via Israel) gave Pakistan nuclear weapons?

Russians were very close to nuke Pakistan in effort to stop the Pakistani-Saudi flood drowning Afghanistan but they knew very well the “Pakistani” made in USA nuke would land in Moscow.