George Soros June 15, 2012, 16:21
Notice how the whole Middle East is a completely overpopulated collective failed state ripe for a takeover of the sort seen in my United states of America Ponzi Scheme and my new United states of Europe Ponzi Scheme.

The stupid Vatican ....and their partners in crime the Israelis..... imagine that they will be benefiting from the Great Middle East War designed (they THINK) to reduce the world population by a billion or two Muslims ....

.but (just like before) it`s the Jews and Christians (as well as Muslims) who have been set up to die in Holocaust 2.....

..while it`s the Bilderberger fair weather Zionists (like Rothschild Murdoch and me) who will be the prime beneficiaries of the chaos and bloodshed......

just as we were in the last century and before in Pogrom after Pogrom and war after war "in the defence of (our)freedom"!! LOL LOL
George Soros June 15, 2012, 13:00
It`s time the truth was told and you heard the full story behind the Era of the Rothschilds and our latest clever enslaving technique we call Neo-liberalism or SOROSIAN GLOBALISM BY STEALTH.

Read my version of Mien Kampf ...which I cheekily called "Underwriting Democracy" (1990)`s in all good piles of remaindered fifth rate books everywhere.

It explains all you need to know about the feudal undemocratic fascist Zionist oligarch`s fraudsters playground I have single handedly created out of the old world which was well past its sell by date and needed "reforming" the Bliar/Clinton way!

Ian Fleming`s Blofelt has NOTHING on me.....but don`t imagine "your" Fox/BBC professional fibbers and disinformers will be rushing to "phone hack" or expose Murdoch or me!!

For the full Julian Assange and good old "open society" Max Keiser and get the TRUTH from RT!!LOL
GCHQ June 15, 2012, 12:35
Just how much more of this "freedom of speech" do you imagine their Holy Fathers Lord Rothschild and the Pope (and our Israeli masters) .......

..are going to tolerate before we will feel obliged to defend Enlightenment values by "rendering" you RT viewers to free Poland or Kosovo or Islamist Egypt for a thorough water boarding and your final disappearing trick?

You will be asking for a George Soros CIA Palestinian spring next...or even a full investigation into the weapons of mass destruction NOT held by the Blessed Benjamin of New Jerusalum..... which we all know he doesn`t have at his command!! LOL
Zionists at RT June 15, 2012, 12:23
Laurie Taylor at "Thinking Allowed"wrote on June 15, 2012, 12:15
The problem we have at the BBC is that we aspire have journalistic integrity and to do good and tell the truth and spread humanitarianism and freedom and democracy in the world......but we have been taken hostage..... and now owe our souls (and very comfortable lifestyles)to infamous humanitarians the Zionist Baalist Israelis...... and to the sort of "Christianity" one sees demonstrated in the appearance and behaviour of the Irish Republicans and their beloved "Holy Father of the Vatican Bank and World Overpopulation" Perhaps we could solve Britain`s "poverty problem" by drawing in millions of unemployable poor people from the Third World.......and the ensuing Sorosian "Athanese Seromba" genocide will cut our grossly overinflated population by half a stroke?
Come off it know Thompson and Chris Patten and Murdoch and Rothschild would cut your four billion pounds a year "George Soros" slush fund if you ever started telling the truth like that!LOL
Laurie Taylor at "Thinking Allowed" June 15, 2012, 12:15
The problem we have at the BBC is that we aspire have journalistic integrity and to do good and tell the truth and spread humanitarianism and freedom and democracy in the world......but we have been taken hostage..... and now owe our souls (and very comfortable lifestyles)to infamous humanitarians the Zionist Baalist Israelis...... and to the sort of "Christianity" one sees demonstrated in the appearance and behaviour of the Irish Republicans and their beloved "Holy Father of the Vatican Bank and World Overpopulation"

Perhaps we could solve Britain`s "poverty problem" by drawing in millions of unemployable poor people from the Third World.......and the ensuing Sorosian "Athanese Seromba" genocide will cut our grossly overinflated population by half a stroke?

Ancient Briton June 14, 2012, 19:53
Antonio....listen to your inner Portia.

Portia....Then must the Jew be merciful...the quality of mercy is not droppeth as the gentle rain from Heaven......upon this place beneath...
It blesseth him that gives ....and him that takes
nohope June 14, 2012, 19:38
Julian, please don’t call your friends “psychopaths”!
Au contraire, they have beautiful souls.
ANTONIO June 14, 2012, 19:34
The time is looming closer and closer before Julian WILL be extradited. And the people who can stop this sit idly by.Procrstinate at your peril DO WHAT YOU KNOW HAS TO BE DONE. It is of no relevance what financial and personal damage can be inflicted on the perpetrators
Julian will end up in an AMERICAN TORTURE CHAMBER, they will destroy him mentally and abuse him. The U.S.A and it’s penal system is rotten to the core.
HUMAN RIGHTS do not exist in America, the Politicians are evil people.
Julian Assange is a very special human being the world has waited for time eternity for this guy to arrive don’t let him go
Ancient Briton June 14, 2012, 12:21
This is why modern Israel must change of its OWN volition in a giant act of Noblesse Oblige it must CHOOSE to return to the western world and assimilate with the rest of us in an act of humility and sacrifice....for the good of ALL mankind....because it represents a now dysfunctional abuse of power and act of racism and xenophobia.

But the West must welcome the Jews back into our midst as prodigals rather than as failed imperialists in the way we treated the unfortunate soldiers coming back from Vietnam.
Ancient Briton June 14, 2012, 12:04
We talk of a democratic world and imagine that we are being robbed of democracy by people who conspire to keep power to themselves......and we are misled by seeing around us what appears to be evidence of that in Lord Rothschild`s mansions and the CIA and George Soros` meddling in our politics......but what if it is NOT a conspiracy at all?

I have realised that the Westminster/BBC I hate so much is utterly convinced it is doing "good" when it swamps my home town with immigrants.

It`s NOT a conspiracy to harm me and steal my children`s life opportunities and give them away to strangers at all!

In fact it`s an act of our Collective Unconscious Mind to bring the fruits of many cultures to my attention so that we can build a multi-racial world based in people of ALL races and cultures...without all the NEGATIVE aspects and artificial impediments of race and nationality and religion and social philosophy.

Our huge responsibility is to put our minds together and make that happen.....when our historically-based "common sense" tells us that it will "never work"!