Amoly Julio 26, 2012, 09:56
Hi,just to say you that it is impossible to donwolad the letter without a facebook count. How to do? I don’t want to have a facebook count. And I can’t make a copy/paste from the scrib. Can you send the text for thomas hammarberg by mail, please? Thanks.
Jean Julio 26, 2012, 09:22
Att Assange trodde pe5 dom "ve4nner"i Sverige som ff6rklarade ff6r honom att den deotrkami han trodde sig befinna sig i e4r en diktatur styrd av ke4ringar e4r ne5t han fe5r ste5 ff6r helt sje4lv.
Jean Julio 26, 2012, 09:22
Att Assange trodde pe5 dom "ve4nner"i Sverige som ff6rklarade ff6r honom att den deotrkami han trodde sig befinna sig i e4r en diktatur styrd av ke4ringar e4r ne5t han fe5r ste5 ff6r helt sje4lv.
Ahmad Julio 26, 2012, 05:04
I don’t know that what he did was rape. To be quite honest, I am not sure what he did with Wikileaks that has made him such a taergt.As I said in another answer, who knows what is really going on? These could be trumped up charges, he may have really forced himself on someone, or anything.IF he did hurt those women then any time is a good time for an arrest.If his arrest is for charges designed in a banker or government officials brainstorm, then YES they could have waited.I suspect that if he is truly not guilty we will never know. There will be cover ups for years.
Yen Julio 25, 2012, 23:19
Assange,and his fellow wkikleais crew, Thanks, you are doing what needs to be done ! How could you do otherwise ? You are surely earning the respect of future inhabitants of this sick,hungry,tired and torn (quote : Bob Dylan) planet. keep on walkin and talken ! marchen to the freedom land. Paul J. Ostrowski Yakima ,Washington u. s. a.
David Pérez Julio 21, 2012, 03:42
Orgullo de Presidente, lastima de entrevistador. Al señor Assange la hace falta calidad intelectual para entrevistar a un personaje de semejante envergadura. Assange, a semejanza de lo que sucedería con alguien de CNN, no deja de caer en lugares comunes y falsificaciones históricas que no se ha tomado la mínima molestia de reflexionar. Con todo el respeto que me merece, limítese a publicar comunicados o, a lo sumo, entrevistar a pseudo-intelectuales como Slavoj Zizek.

esteban Julio 4, 2012, 16:54
muy bueno Correa !! un gran Lider,.. Orgulloso de que en America Latina exista un presidende asi!! saludos desde Argentina
daniel soria Julio 4, 2012, 02:25
exelenyt entrvista
Yu Cardona Junio 26, 2012, 21:43
Por favor, Busca entrevista con el presidente de Colombia Juan Manuel Santos,
Seria bueno una comparación de estos dos presidentes hablando de los mismos temas, ademas Santos es el dueño del periodico mas importante en Colombia.
pichilanga Junio 26, 2012, 06:38
Julain entrevista al pepe!!!