Nemesis May 31, 2012, 22:33
Owly..in the post war Ladykillers world in which I grew up people like Soros would have never got beyond robbing the Bank of England and selling old ladies invisible investment opportunities before the sort of people who now work in Mossad/CIA would have done the sensible thing and offered them a little abstract plastic surgery and date with A and E....unless they changed their ways.

Simpler times..I grant you...but I feel they may be returning if those clever Bilderbergers don`t get the message...they can no longer hope to refuse.

Ordinary hard working honest people all around the world have had quite enough of the old Marx Brothers economic nonsense and being taken to the cleaners by a bunch of chimps.

This time we know who the culprits are because they are too stupid to have changed their techniques since 1929....and Bilderberger is no bigger than the King David Hotel.
Owly May 31, 2012, 22:05
Gazoidwrote on May 31, 2012, 21:14
A lot of Palestinians and American Indians are also wondering how we indigenous people`s can get justice too Owly. Perhaps the American Cavalry and the CIA will come to our rescue? If only we were the right sort of Semites it could all be so much easier.
yeah they are well known for their rescue techniques. Those mostly include shelling natives and bribing the local (would-be)rulers.
Gazoid May 31, 2012, 21:14

A lot of Palestinians and American Indians are also wondering how we indigenous people`s can get justice too Owly.

Perhaps the American Cavalry and the CIA will come to our rescue? If only we were the right sort of Semites it could all be so much easier.
Rachel Corrie and the Holocaust Victims May 31, 2012, 20:52

Stop thinking you can reason with the Bilderbergers. They think they can bluff this catastrophe out like every other war and genocide and ethnic cleansing and depression their blundering greedy ways have brought upon us all for centuries.

They are just the Elders of Sion revamped and spruced up for modern consumption and reformed to leave the impression that they know what they are doing.

Which of course they don`t or they would be broadcasting news their success from their absurd BBC and Sky outlets.

What amazes us is the way Mossad/CIA still roam the world terrorising anyone who criticises the likes of Clinton and Soros and Rothschild.

What debt of loyalty do ordinary Jews and other victims of Zionism and casino capitalism owe to them?
Owly May 31, 2012, 18:29
Good guys, good conversation but I don’t quite get how they are going to win in the end. Looks like channeling the protest sentiment, to me.

PS Can’t stop thinking what a strange hair color Julian has. It distracts me :)
Frank P Phillips May 31, 2012, 16:04
What you say is relatively true but to do nothing definately brings about negative conclusions whilst making an effort of any extent sometimes brings about positive positive results its simply a case of trial and error which in many cases all we can rely on
Ancient Briton May 31, 2012, 15:50
But I have good news ....brothers and sisters...the powerful people among us often do more harm because their intentions are good and they are misguided ....rather than because they are evil malign people.

If we met with the folk who go to Bilderberger meetings or could travel back through time and have a cup of coffee and some cake with Hitler or Pol Pot or Mao we would be struck by their ordinariness and lack of all those attributes we assume they would have before meeting them.
Ancient Briton May 31, 2012, 11:50
joeblowwrote on May 31, 2012, 10:05
the 1% will not get my cookies i have already taken care of it(converted my govt paper currency into physical gold and silver) no money in any bank that i cannot afford to lose. this is my simple and effective personal policy for survival in the next ten to twenty years
You never had any cookies friend...everything here and around you is really either an illusion or part of a totalitarian Bilderberger feudal system in which folk like Rothschild and Soros and the Zionists and Islamistsand Catholics have swept away democratic politics and national borders and trades unions and the deceptively "free media"...and turned the entire world into a fascist global superstate.

Don`t believe me? There`s a drone of freedom and a water board and a swift and horrible end waiting for any Bin Laden or Gaddafi and for YOU if you think YOU can change your real government...

.the real Rothschild/Soros Israeli GLOBAL government that tells your quisling politicians and lying media when to extradite you "terrorists" and "traitors" for torture and death for getting above your station.

Perhaps it`s time the Bilderbergers had the manners and common decency to disabuse us and introduce us to our New World Order?
joeblow May 31, 2012, 10:05
the 1% will not get my cookies i have already taken care of it(converted my govt paper currency into physical gold and silver) no money in any bank that i cannot afford to lose.
this is my simple and effective personal policy for survival in the next ten to twenty years
Peacebrigade May 31, 2012, 03:50
I really admire you Julian and your bravery... in fact you are somewhat of a hero to me....however I am concerned after watching this episode... about the number of times you used the word violence and your focus on the discussion of violence in general... I am a believer that a discussion and actions supporting what we WANT to happen, solution focussed.. creating a new meme where caring, compassion and respect are the foundations, is the most powerful and effective action... and so, I believe that focussing on what we dont want is merely fuelling the fire... what about an episode that generates some potential solutions to our global dillemma and galvanises support to implement those solutions