Ross Canada May 30, 2012, 05:27
Sorry but your show is one of the most boring pieces of tripe I’ve ever watched. You have the personality of a wet rag. Appreciate what you’ve done with wikileaks but your abilities of a show hosty are pathetic.
Your show is a form or torture.
Ancient Briton May 30, 2012, 03:44
I think Amnesia has forgotten the role of Bilderberger and the way the financial markets are now the real power base of the Global Dictatorship?

Surely NO single nation is running the world today because the Aristocracy of Money would never let national politicians and voters in countries like Israel Britain or the USA have any direct power over them?

The way to regain control of our world is through a period of global default and organised protectionism........

... where it is made impossible for oligarchs and others to move wealth from one country to another while we get a grip on what is going on behind our backs.

Agenies like CIA/Mossad and the FBI could completely change the negative image Jewish people have been saddled with for centuries.....

... and clean up the global finances... using modern technology and the Internet and the support of the 99^ who are heartily sick of the Era of Piracy Fraud and Debt which has brought us to the brink of World War 3.
United States of AMNESIA May 30, 2012, 03:20
Otto von Bulowwrote on May 30, 2012, 00:09
Cont. from above What is Globalization? "GLOBALIZATION": the undermining of the nation state as a focus of economic organization; the reduction to commodity status of worldwide raw-goods suppliers; the monopolization of distribution channels by international trading companies and Big Money by Rich Minority; the reduction of health & quality standards to least-common- denominator levels; the most honest self-characterization of the NWO agenda. "Globalization" expresses the intent to homogenize the world economy - to make national borders transparent to the transfer of technology, capital and goods, and enable a higher-order of centralized global management. The claim is frequently made that this will lead to a leveling of prosperity levels on a global basis, the evidence is all to the contrary. What we see instead, is that "globalization" leads to a greater prosperity disparity between the "developed" and "developing" nations as well as within the nations between poor and rich, as measured by the disposable income and living standards of the general populations. The greatest real prosperity gains have been achieved by those countries which created domestic synergy in their economies through selective protectionism (eg., Japan, Germany, Norway).

Stop kidding us with all this stuff about honest capitalism and free markets!

The politics and the economy of the whole world has most assuredly been globalised by the usual oligarch suspects (under Rothschild) operating largely out of their undemocratic London puppet regime and German-run United States of Europe......and their secret superpower Israel.

Nothing of this is honest or the USA would have had to declare itself bankrupt long ago and withdraw its military and CIA from their task of running the world for Israel.

The greatest REAL prosperity is in tiny Israel and if there was an honest politician or journalist anywhere in the world a few days spent going through Israel`s secrets of financial success would lay her whole global empire of fraud and debt bare for all to see.
Otto von Bulow May 30, 2012, 00:23
CORRECTION to below:

The greatest real prosperity gains have been achieved by those countries which created domestic synergy in their economies through selective protectionism (eg., Peoples Republic of China, Vietnam..and before that . Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Germany, Norway etc ). Think People, Think!
Otto von Bulow May 30, 2012, 00:09
Cont. from above

What is Globalization?

"GLOBALIZATION": the undermining of the nation state as a focus of economic organization; the reduction to commodity status of worldwide raw-goods suppliers; the monopolization of distribution channels by international trading companies and Big Money by Rich Minority; the reduction of health & quality standards to least-common- denominator levels; the most honest self-characterization of the NWO agenda.

"Globalization" expresses the intent to homogenize the world economy - to make national borders transparent to the transfer of technology, capital and goods, and enable a higher-order of centralized global management. The claim is frequently made that this will lead to a leveling of prosperity levels on a global basis, the evidence is all to the contrary. What we see instead, is that "globalization" leads to a greater prosperity disparity between the "developed" and "developing" nations as well as within the nations between poor and rich, as measured by the disposable income and living standards of the general populations.

The greatest real prosperity gains have been achieved by those countries which created domestic synergy in their economies through selective protectionism (eg., Japan, Germany, Norway).
riverdevata May 29, 2012, 23:46
I have been watching this show from the beginning,and I really like that you are humanizing those that the powerful try so hard to demonize. Labels such as terrorists, communists, socialists, anarchists and anti-capitalists are thrown around to keep people from listening. And you ask the question, why? Agree or disagree, but we can’t solve problems peacefully until we are willing to listen to each other and discuss differences. But that is not in the best interest of the powerful elite. Let us find a way to subvert them and make them insignificant. Here is hoping that this show will continue past the 10 originally planned.
Otto von Bulow May 29, 2012, 23:25
Congrats Julian,
you are excellent interviewer
mmaaaxx May 29, 2012, 23:15
There are certainly some well intentioned and intelligent strains in these "movements," but to force their program on the rest of us in the name of "democracy" is disingenuous. We have a decent democratic system which you are attempting to deny by "occupying" it. Is it possible that you just don’t like the results of the democracy we have? Just please be aware that occupation is force and this is an aggressive act against the other citizens who do not agree with you. It’s classic disruptive technique, but you have no clear are not so righteous as the Civil Rights occupations. Please get together a distinct program and apply force only to those who have the power to change it. Or just stick to educating the public and go into media.
Francisco ALba May 29, 2012, 22:43
Hi! thanks for this excellent show! would be nice to get the interviews with subtitles.

I can’t stand the spanish voiceover you have but I miss some english phrases. Thank you!
Wat Tyler May 29, 2012, 21:43
You may ask to see "the books" Ancient Britain but you never will see them.

You would find out far too much information for the comfort of the Blairs and Clintons who deregulated our economy.

Unchecked,the Zionist United States of Europe will soon make the USSR seem like Utopia as the Soros/Rothchild/CIA torture chambers fill with "terrorists" who simply want to know what is going on in what they had stupidly imagined was their country.

How long will it be before Israel and its backers in global organised crime are turning Europe into something similar to the Middle East they have been creating to ensure their survival (at any cost?) since 1948?

Have English people the power to seek independence from Scotland or the ruinously expensive Ulster?

Have they and other Britons any chance of escaping the EU or replacing the BBC with a proper public broadcaster not wedded to Rothschild`s Israel and the Vatican and the EU and the Wall Street elite?