Katia November 29, 2012, 03:33
I say,

I say,

Toniiewrote on August 15, 2012, 03:11
The truth just shines thorguh your post


Love you in Truth,

Katia November 29, 2012, 03:28
You are all beautiful.

The second Dark ages are about to end!

This man is what we have been waiting for. The answer to our fears. Just when the world was hemming in on us....

There is hope. Tonnes and tonnes and tonnes of hope!

Lets make a web noise and demand his release! It is OUR duty of care.
Bill November 2, 2012, 10:32
I SUPPORT JULIAN ASSANGE! And AMERI*CA EUROPE WHOEVER YOU ARE -Don’t you dare tell me JULIAN dont matter. HE IS TRUTH TRUTH IS Everything. Every drop of rain, every ray of sunhgilt, every wisp of cloud matters and they matter because I can see them and if I can see them then they can see me and I know that there’s an entire world that cares out there, hiding behind a world that doesn’t, afraid to show who it really is and with or without you, I wANNA drag that world out of the dirt and the blood and the muck until we live in it. -AND AM GONNA GIVE IT MY best shot Until we all live in it.
Abdelrhma November 2, 2012, 10:19
What a great rseource this text is.
Emel November 2, 2012, 10:06
Good point. I hadn’t tohguht about it quite that way. :)
Riny November 2, 2012, 09:38
Definitely agree with exactly what you wrote. Your etxpanalion was undoubtedly the simplest to understand. I tell you, I usually get irritable when individuals discuss issues that these people obviously do not know about. You managed to strike the nail on the head and explained every thing with out complication. Perhaps, others can learn from this. Will more than likely be back to learn more. Cheers
Willy November 1, 2012, 03:23
Alex, have you seen The Wire? I’ve just made it past season 3 of the show, and I have to say that the show has maybe not cnhegad my life but certainly cnhegad the way I see institutions and politics. The show is mostly about institutions, and how for the individuals within these institutions, change is possible, but for the institutions themselves, change is never effected, nor desired. Change is possible on an individual level, but never on an institutional level.When I first saw the show, I saw parallels to what I was experiencing in academia. And then I realised that everybody experiences the sort of things depicted on The Wire.It’s not just me, and it’s not just my career. It’s a bitter, bitter reality.
Gilberto November 1, 2012, 03:19
That’s really srhewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.
Tasha November 1, 2012, 02:12
Thanks for starting the ball rolnlig with this insight.
Vijay October 31, 2012, 13:27
At last, somnoee comes up with the "right" answer!