john (RSA) May 1, 2012, 16:35
Father Anastasio Sumba Burawrote on April 30, 2012, 15:53
We don`t need politics! God and his faith communities will provide all the politics and government we need. Stop interfering with God`s World and his Universe and get on with obeying his "Thou shalt not kill saith the Lord thy God". If the entire world was following God`s teachings it would be a Paradise. And give Anders Breivik a free passage to Israel for being a God-fearing Zionist as well!

Father speak for yourself and those that think like you

Almighty God May 1, 2012, 09:28
Mother Teresawrote on April 30, 2012, 21:15
What a heap of Bollocks!! Youre all a bunch of egomaniacs with messiah complexes. No wonder the worlds such a mess! Why not do something productive and constructive with your time energy and brain cells!

I wonder if Mother Theresa was the person with the Messiah complex? How many people have YOU saved MT.....with your trollistic dismissive one liners with no intellectual substance or counter-arguments?

I feel like a persecuted minority here on the web because I am trying to look at the world from the viewpoint of mankind as a whole single unity..... whereas the various powerful interest groups in the world employ and brainwash people (called trolls) to lurk like highwaymen and belittle anyone with an inquiring outlook and genuinely open mind.

The powerful are terrified of the web.....since man`s time began they have CONTROLLED us by patronage over anyone with ability and talent.

If you were clever they "discovered your talent" and bought your loyalty and OBEDIENCE ........and wove you into THEIR institutions and tied you to THEIR philosophies and THEIR political parties and armies and churches and universities....using YOUR money that THEY had quite possibly STOLEN from YOU!.

NOW at last ANYONE and EVERYMAN can "post" their OWN views.... without clearance and the approval of the powerful...

.this is DEMOCRACY....this is FREEDOM...and all the drivel talked by powerless puppets like western politicians is being EXPOSED as Israel`s empire of fraud and the CIA secret police and their NATO enforcers are suddenly themselves no longer protected by Hollywood and propaganda machines and the once all powerful MEDIA.....and they are (disturbingly) EXPOSED for the crooks and pirates and thieves PRETENDING to "do good" they REALLY are!

All previous societies CONTROLLED what their citizens BELIEVED about those in many religious leaders or emperors or media moguls or entrepreneurs or philanthropists or politicians would have survived for more than a few weeks if "their followers" heard the truth about what sort of people they REALLY were?

But BEWARE of YOUR own sense of smug superiority and righteousness.....and remember that you are just mortal and fallible and greedy and vain and corruptible .....and that our present leaders were all "radicals" in their youth.....and you would be NO BETTER than the powerful and their puppets if YOU were "in power".
Ship`s Cat May 1, 2012, 01:17

Why not interview the Rothschilds or George Soros?
Rubin Schmidt April 30, 2012, 21:28
Karl Marx: The entire world is suffering from the ongoing effects of 9/11. It needs resolution. It needs an independent, international investigation. BEFORE WE CAN MOVE ON.!!
Mother Teresa April 30, 2012, 21:15
What a heap of Bollocks!! Youre all a bunch of egomaniacs with messiah complexes. No wonder the worlds such a mess! Why not do something productive and constructive with your time energy and brain cells!
Rubin Schmidt April 30, 2012, 19:57
Karl Marx: I would give Mr. Fresco more credit if as a self taught structoral enginneer he had made any comments on the suspicious "inexplicable" collapse of all THREE W.T.C. buildings.!!
Karl Marx April 30, 2012, 19:38
6368417274wrote on April 30, 2012, 19:01

Mr Fresco is getting close to a hundred years old and yet another Jewish charismatic/egotist (?).

It would be better to get him to precis his ideas into a few thousand words because academia and fringe/New Age philosophy are awash with one-off Utopians like him.

Why don`t we conduct some rigorous scientific investigation into the DNA of Jewish people that might explain why such a small race of people have an unfailing ability to succeed and dominate societies across the world.

With any luck we could formulate a "success pill" which we ordinary mortals could take to compensate for our lack of intelligence or drive or wisdom or whatever it is that gives Jewish people such an unfair advantageover the rest of us?
Rubin Schmidt April 30, 2012, 19:30
Oglaigh: Get a grip. Your last campaign was a crime and did’nt achieve anything. Why don’t you save up £600 and buy the "Auld Sod" back from the banks.??
Whistle Blower at BBC/Westminster April 30, 2012, 18:12
We have been too terrified to say a word about the Zionist masonic order that has been running Britain for a century....but it seems Israel and the USA are prepared to destroy British civilisation altogether rather than give up their crazy Israeli Zionist imperialist scheme to run and ruin the entire world by financial fraud and fascism or hand it over to "capitalist" Chinese control.

It`s now obvious that the Zionists intend to so infuriate the Muslims among us (and across the world) that we British will have to go down with Israel (like the Zionist Titanic) or jump ship and re-discover our rational Marxist or social democratic roots once more!

Is there somewhere safe where we can get protection from the Rage of the Rothschilds and try to save our beloved Britain from final ignominy and ruination and race war due to overpopulation?
Adolf Hitler April 30, 2012, 17:24
Emperor Netanyahuwrote on April 30, 2012, 15:40
Why are you creatures worrying yourselves by listening to traitors like Assange and Vanunu various other kinds of nut jobs? Just check on all of them and you will find one common denominator....they are Jewish/Zionist or sympathisers ..... and so loyal to the Israeli right wing that they would never dream of letting Keiser clean up Zionist capitalism.... or let any form of socialism/social democracy take root if Israel was not running it in some way. Leave running world government to me and my friends at Fox/BBC....and my CIA and NATO forces! If all else fails I have lots of nuclear weapons with which to defend mankind from terrorists. RELAX!

I know what it`s like have my sincere sympathy!

I had disruptive social elements to deal the Zionist "entremanures" of London and New York and their many friends in global organised crime the media and politics!

If only we could have sent the Jews to their promised land to deal with the Palestinian terrorists...... I might probably still running the world today....but I was dead before you brought modern Israel into being! have managed to get the Zionist EU Fourth Reich going under German leadership and you Zionists have eradicated the British empire altogether.....Zeig Heil !!