ThunderHorse August 18, 2012, 15:25
A Big Thank you Pres. Rafael Correa, For having the B***s to stand up to the US and British Government, I do Hope that the rest of the International Community will stand by you in this case .
diane August 18, 2012, 05:57
Britain might extradite him to the smaller lap dog
to be turned over to Americans so that they would
not be labeled as a vessel state to an ex-colony,
but the question is " Is anybody buying it?".
Ann August 17, 2012, 20:54
I love and respect your courage and strength. I’m sorry your country bailed out on you and the world is how it is now!
You are a good person with good intentions, you’ll be fine and things will work out, I’m sure.
love you.
Eric August 17, 2012, 04:07
Absolutely outstanding quote president correa:

Evo Morales "The only country in the world that cannot have a coup de etat is the United States because it does not have a United States embassy"

President Correa "Its not a problem to set up a US base in Ecuador, we can give the go ahead as long as we are granted permission to set up an ecuadorian military base in miami. If its not an issue, they should agree"
ovmyrotjmqj July 28, 2012, 11:21
HhCmBG iqacheoqxvom
Chevttietksonkthuastu July 26, 2012, 12:46
AUDIO MP3 to listen to it, or click on the Download link in my January 8 post to doonawld a PDF file containing the text of episode #1. The recording of episode #3 and the PDF of episode #2 will be up by tomorrow morning.
Roseina July 26, 2012, 03:34
Absolutely. All other episodes are rhglouy 45 minutes in length. I toyed with splitting episode 1 in two parts, but in the end decided to leave it. I’m hoping the length of episode 1 doesn’t dissuade people from listening to future episodes. Thank you so much for your feedback!
Video Censored? June 27, 2012, 12:29
I am in the USA, completely unable to watch these videos. They will not start but for the first few seconds. Please consider hosting them on other video sharing sites.
Dr. Fausto June 27, 2012, 11:38
Just to be fair here we should add that having campaign contributions from anonymus sources if fair play in the great USA!! where corporations and private individuals engage in organizing supper PAC’s that in no way tarnish the transparacy of the great Jeffersonian Demokratia!.

We should be focusing our efforts in developing a more fair and balanced form of government because in ten more years tops!; the next generation might not be so sympathetic to the droves of destitude old men and women that lived to expend and consume energy like there was no tomorrow.

Yet again what is Democracy this days, but absolutism bym the wealthy and the God anointed, crowned heads.
Dr. Fausto June 27, 2012, 11:27
Congratulations Julian:

What a wonderful oportunity to engage in a much needed investigative journalism on Ecuador.

You have to your left a key withness in the case of the funding of political campaigns by the FARC terrorists. Yes, you new found twin soul won an election with cash support from the Narco-terrorists.

Just to give you a clue, one of the courriers turned out to be a CIA operative. I wonder with whom lay Correa’s loyalties now!.