David (UK) July 31, 2012, 22:31
Correction, should have said: Jim, you are beginning to sound like a politician. Then again, that’s is what comes of years of talking non-sense. I really must stop reading your rubbish or I will contaminate by your right-wing world. Heavens Jim, that would be life but not as we know it!
David (UK) July 31, 2012, 22:29
Correction, should have said: Jim, you are beginning to sound like a politician. Then again, that’s is what comes of years of talking non-sense. I really must stop reading your rubbish or I will contaminate by your right-wing would. Heavens Jim, that would be life but not as we know it!

Rubin Schmidt July 31, 2012, 20:06
JULIAN: "History cannot be permanently falsified; the myth cannot stand up to the scrutiny of scientific research: The sinister web will be brought into the light, and torn to pieces however artfully it has been spun". Dr. Jakob Ruchti. 1915. "We must go forward cautiously and consolidate each aquired position, because the INFERIOR STRATUM of society is giving increasing signs of agitation". "Let US make use of the courts...when, through the Laws of intervention, the COMMON PEOPLE shall have lost their homes, they will be more easy to govern, and they shall not be able to resist the strong hand of the Government acting in accordance with... THE CONTROL OF THE LEADERS OF FINANCE". U.S. Bankers Magazine. 1892.
Rubin Schmidt July 31, 2012, 19:11
CHERIE: So they,ve "Dishonoured his Court." Surprise, surprise!. Do you think Julsie understands he,s on the wrong "Bank".As you know, he,s on the "Bank" of the Executive, of Commerse, of the City (The Crown). If he could pursuade "The Monarchy" to join him in his efforts to reach the other "Bank", where the "ROYAL Courts of Justice" stand, then he would be saving the monarchy from going down with the Banks. HM 2 would become GOOD QUEEN BESS 2 and Sir Julian would become known as the Liberator of the English speaking peoples, and in towns and villages up and down the country statues would be erected in his honour. Dont forget QE 1 maintained English Sovereignty AND BANNED SURFDOM AND FOREIGN BANKERS from the Realm. What a lovely dream, Cherie.!!!
Rubin Schmidt July 29, 2012, 18:05
JULIAN: Heres a quote for you. "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain,s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." Nathan Rothschild. This sentiment was repeated when Mayer Rothschild said, "Give me control of a Nations money supply and I care not who makes its Laws." Thats a lot of non-caring, dont you think Julian.? Do you think H.M. will side with the people or stay in "The Club of the Isles." ???
|Rubin Schmidt July 28, 2012, 22:23
CHERIE X: What do you think of this Spanish/American approach.? I,m reminded of the Armada and the American Constitution. Not only did Henry keep the Dicates of Rome out, he established an independant sovereign monetery system, BASED ON WOOD, Stocks, Taly Sticks. His Daughter inherited this system and was called Good Queen Bess. Later, we gave America, the 1st Bank of America and a "suxnet virus" in THEIR constitution which has devoured the entire document..."excluding Bills of Credit" Clever or what. !!!
Rubin Schmidt July 28, 2012, 21:57
Ancient Briton: "Which since we cannot do to make you friends, Be ready, as your lives shall answer it, At Coventry, upon St Lombards Day: There shall your swords and lances arbitrate |The swelling difference of your settled hate: Since we cannot atone you, we shall see Justice design the victor,s chivalry. Marshall, command our officers at arms Be ready to direct these Home Alarms." Kimg Richard 11 Act 1 Scene 2 William Shakespeare.!!!
Rubin Schmidt July 28, 2012, 18:41
JULIAN: On the down side, you,ll remember that they built a court, on neutral ground, in the Netherlands and to Scotlands eternal shame, the judges were,nt neutral and convicted Megrahi under American pressure.!!!
Rubin Schmidt July 28, 2012, 18:30
JULIAN: Good move. You,ve invited the plaintiff, to your court, on neutral ground. If they refuse to attend, they will be "dishonouring" your court. Now you have to establish that you are Julian Lassange the "human being" and a "freeman" not JULIAN LASSANGE the "legal fiction". The difficult part for you, is to get your case into their court (your on the wrong Bank/Bench, the words are inter-changable, remember its Admiralty Law here) You have to find a way to put your file on the Bench, on the other Bank. Strange little country, is,nt it.? Is HMQE 2 the Head of State of Australia. If so, you could ask for the protection of the "Crown" and have the freedom of movement, without let or hindrance, under "Common Law" as a Freeman". The only power that "Good ? Queen Bess 2" has is the ability to suspend the "Law" in favour of the Government. Why dont you ask Her to suspend the "Law" in the interests of the people.!!!
tmttvohra July 28, 2012, 11:39
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