Ibrahim: Episode Eleven
Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, full version, pt.2
Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, full version, pt.1
Chomsky-Ali: Episode Ten
Khan: Episode Nine
Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, pt.2
Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, pt.1
Occupy: Episode Seven
Correa: Episode Six
Begg-Qureshi: Episode Five
Rajab & Abd El-Fattah: Episode Four
Marzouki: Episode Three
Horowitz-Zizek: Episode Two
Nasrallah: Episode One
Revealed: Assange pre-show full interview
Warning: Assange! Controversy!
Episode Two: Teaser
Assange: Official trailer
Unravelling: Promo Two
Hourglass: Promo One
Rubin Schmidt
September 16, 2012, 19:53
David (UK)wrote on September 16, 2012, 16:27
No, David...Straight out of Charles Dickens’s "American Notes". If you wanted a peek at America in the 1840’s you could do no better than to look at American notes;"As a committed social reformer, Dickens wanted to use his trip to find out if American democracy was an improvement on class-ridden Victorian England.".!!!
Rubin Schmidt:
"Those who by physical OR mental imbecility are disqualified from being members of an industrious community; and they can be better provided for in ESTABLISHMENTS fitted for the infirm."
Hope I have mis-read, and that is NOT your view?
David (UK)
September 16, 2012, 16:31
No contest, if they could get away with it, Kate getting her bits out.
David (UK)
September 16, 2012, 16:27
Rubin Schmidt:
"Those who by physical OR mental imbecility are disqualified from being members of an industrious community; and they can be better provided for in ESTABLISHMENTS fitted for the infirm."
Hope I have mis-read, and that is NOT your view?
"Those who by physical OR mental imbecility are disqualified from being members of an industrious community; and they can be better provided for in ESTABLISHMENTS fitted for the infirm."
Hope I have mis-read, and that is NOT your view?
Rubin Schmidt
September 16, 2012, 10:29
JULIAN: Dont you think that Siaf Gadaffi’s needs, at the moment, are a little more pressing than yours.? Could’nt Mr. Baltasar Garzon’s talents be more usefully employed saving a man who is in danger of loosing his skin. Is Siaf Gadaffi’s skin of less value than yours.???
Rubin Schmidt
September 16, 2012, 08:45
David (UK): "American Notes" "As in every other place I visited, the Judges here were gentlemen of high character and attainments.....The society with which I mingled, was intelligent, courteous, and agreeable. The inhabitants of Cincinnati are proud of their city as one of the most interesting in America: with good reason: for beautiful and thriving as it is now....". "...for claiming in a rebublic the Liberty and Freedom of expressing their sentiments, and making known their prayer, would be tried, found guilty, and have strong censure passed upon him by the rest....."linked to each other by iron fetters, are passing now along the open street beneath the windows of your Temple of Equality! Look!" But there are many kinds of hunters engaged in the Pursuit of Happyness, and they go variously armed."...."(always in praise of Liberty) to the music of clanking chains and bloody stripes."!!!
Rubin Schmidt
September 16, 2012, 08:01
David (UK): If I were to break a long standing habit, and buy a "newspaper", tomorrow, what would be on the front page...."Hillsborough Horror" (a father and his two sons) or "Right Royal Rump".?? Am I just too cynical.? What a library we’re building up here. Dickens this w’end, "American Notes". "Those who prove unable to earn their own livelihood will not be retained; as it is not desirable to convert the establishment into an almshouse, or to retain any but working bees in the hive. Those who by physical OR mental imbecility are disqualified from being members of an industrious community; and they can be better provided for in ESTABLISHMENTS fitted for the infirm."!!!
Rubin Schmidt
September 16, 2012, 06:38
David (UK): We just cant imagine Ubergruppenfuhrers, from Tonga, guarding "a" coalmine in Britain for "us". Did the Irish REPUBLIC, where all meat has the same value, ask me could the "Sunday World" Vol. 4 No. 50. March 6th 1977. The paper that tells it all, Put my x’s bits all over page 7...NO. Somehow the REPUBLICS of France and Ireland are supposed to grade their meat British Style.!!!
David (UK)
September 16, 2012, 03:23
More British soldiers have been killed (needlessly) in Afghanistan. SUPPORT THE TROOPS - BRING THEM HOME!
Rubin Schmidt
September 15, 2012, 21:26
David (UK): Week-end ramble...My father always said, "NEVER VOLUNTEER, FOR ANYTHING". I think he was thinking of Crete. The boys in the Regiment who voluteered for Crete did’nt do so well.It’s not as if he volunteered for Salerno. I, as a teenager, once had the idea of joining the Army Cadets. My father put his foot down very firmly, NO way, which sort of confused me. Even more so, when he signed up again in 1970 at the age of 53, for 9 yrs. (no. 2226063*). Important thing is, he knew what he was signing up for.!!!
David (UK)
September 15, 2012, 01:19
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire was printed on in 2004. But look what is happening in Iraq and Libya – will the US never learn?