GhostofWatTyler July 4, 2012, 09:50
In a corrupt world ONLY the corrupt CAN succeed.

Politicians and financiers are TRAPPED by their AND your unreasonable democratic expectations.

You are like the witch hunters of old ...or the people who committed the Holocaust and other ask the WRONG questions because you seek to punish and blame and pass off responsibility from yourselves onto other`s heads.

Where would Julian and Max Keiser be until RT came along?

What would have happened if Europe really was a proper democracy during the Nazi period?

Could Julian or Max Keiser or Bob Dimond or Ed Miliband (or even God himself) have done anything to stop 2008 or Soros Neo-liberal political "Open Society" DICTATORSHIP taking over the world from the eighties onwards?

What would the world be like if Soros had not (by luck?)...."broken the Bank of England"?

Question MORE...and leave your blame culture behind you and talk to the deposed powerful people to find the REAL TRUTH...NOT the one it SUITS you to hear!

Otto von Bulow July 4, 2012, 06:10
Rubin Schmidtwrote on July 4, 2012, 03:14
Just tried to post a comment TWICE on another news article no "Required Fields". I,m BLOCKED. Tryed the comment on this page TWICE it just disappeared.! Has anybody any thoughts.???

same happened to me many times
Rubin Schmidt July 4, 2012, 03:14
Just tried to post a comment TWICE on another news article no "Required Fields". I,m BLOCKED. Tryed the comment on this page TWICE it just disappeared.! Has anybody any thoughts.???
Rubin Schmidt July 4, 2012, 02:12
Was, Obama,s mother involved with the repressive, murderess Sakarto regime in Indonesia as a CIA agent.?
swissguy July 4, 2012, 00:12
Happy birthday Julian
Adelle July 3, 2012, 23:24
You will be vindacated, that is a nice idea for JA
Anonymous Pirate July 3, 2012, 19:03
What about an interview with Pirate Party of Germany and LiquidFeedback developers’s? Spread them around the world ...