David (UK) August 16, 2012, 18:06
CORRECTION: What I would say is that:

If our lapdog PM should attempt to hand over Julian to Uncle Sam, perhaps (not being a Palestinian?) Julian should seek asylum in Israel?

Perhaps freedom lovers and free speech promoters, such as the BBC, Rupert Murdoch and Tony Blair, could get him safe passage there?

All their loyalty and obedience to Mr Netanyahu, and dedication to turning a blind eye to the truth - and to the plight of the Palestinians - surely deserves some reward?
David (UK) August 16, 2012, 18:04
CORRECTION: What is would say is that:

If our lapdog PM should attempt to hand over Julian to Uncle Sam, perhaps (not being a Palestinian?) Julian should seek asylum in Israel?

Perhaps freedom lovers and free speech promoters, such as the BBC, Rupert Murdoch and Tony Blair, could get him safe passage there?

All their loyalty and obedience to Mr Netanyahu, and dedication to turning a blind eye to the truth - and to the plight of the Palestinians - surely deserves some reward?
David (UK) August 16, 2012, 17:36
Given that my main concern is what is really happening in Syria, I have no reason go off-subject and write all that non-sense about "House of Rothschild", "Bilderberger", "Baal and superstition we call the Vatican".

For might it not be a better idea to allow Jim to state all his stuff from his internet soap box?

BBC/FOX Farce Estate plc (in Liquidation) August 16, 2012, 17:23
The staff of the BBC have decided to go on strike until the British government and our Popists/Jew managers start offering Julian Assange the same respect andprotection and consideration and freedom offered to Zionists like the Pope and the Bliars and Lady Porter and Robert Maxwell and Islamists like Baroness Uddin Lord Paul and Abu Hamza and other "enrepreneurs" like some of the dodgy Oligarchs who are offered every freedom here in the UK.

Sorry! Our mistake. We can`t pass up the chance to soak you for even more money Goys!
We are a collection of the most disgusting Zionist hypocrites and self serving opportunist arze-holes ourselves.LOL

See Newsnight and QT and the Moral Maze for examples of our "integrity".
David (UK) August 16, 2012, 06:17
Although Julian should seek asylum in Israel,because it`s the only true democracy in the World.

Perhaps freedom lovers and free speech promoters like Lord Rothschild and the Bishop of London and Chief Rabbi Saks and the BBC and Rupert Murdoch and Tony Blair and the Pope, could get him safe passage there?

All their loyalty and obedience to Mr Netanyahu and dedication to turning a blind eye to the truth, and to the plight of the Palestinians, surely deserves some reward?

David (UK) August 16, 2012, 06:03
Jim Evans wrote on August 15, 2012, 13:20
The reason why the professional criminals and liars mincers and dykes and Popists and Asians and Jews (who run Britain`s four billion pounds a year enslaving lie machine the BBC) don`t pursue ANY of the really important "issues" troubling Celtic Gypos like me... that they have foxed up the World`s economy and politics financing and supporting their OWN precious little Rothschild financed Jewish Gypo encampment.... ... and are now too stupid and brainwashed to see the folly of their actions....or to know where to creep next!

Perhaps I don`t need ideas from Zionist newspapers for my sources when this old madman tells it like it really is and has the BBC`s ridiculous Newsnight Zionist and Rothschild crony propagandists looking more like Pravda crossed with Robert Maxwell and Conrad Black and Desmond`s Daily Express with every night that passes.
Will the BBC ever discover whether there`s a link between 1929 and 2008 and the continued global supremacy of venerable institutions like the House of Rothschild and Bilderberger and the sort of "faith community" we find in those temples to "democracy" and Baal and superstition we call the Vatican and Saudi Arabia and Israel and Washington?
David (UK) August 16, 2012, 03:15
OK, check this out:

Syria crisis: west loses faith in SNC to unite opposition groups

"US, UK and France seek to build more direct links with disparate rebels amid fears that Islamists are getting Gulf donations.

The US, Britain and France are scrambling to retain their influence with Syrian opposition groups amid fears that most support from the Gulf states has been diverted towards extremist Islamic groups"

Julian Borger, diplomatic editor
The Guardian, Tuesday 14 August 2012
David (UK) August 16, 2012, 02:35
While my quote was a little short, it was to the point. For the New York Times was simply pointing out that the "Free Syrian Army" are made up with some very questionable folk - such as Al Qaeda. Thanks to the internet, anyone can check out the full NYT report. That said, just what is "Liam Reynard" code for?
Ulando August 15, 2012, 16:09
Read it now. The best part of The Dreamer is being a part of the crazy online coutnmimy. Join us! You get new pages twice a week!! It’s better than new pages once ever three months!
British Satirists and the other Friends of Israel in the Faith Communities August 15, 2012, 14:32
Notice how our BBC tame "satirists" and Private Eye are remarkably quiet about "freedom of speech" for Goys like Julian and Bradley but very every keen to fill your "welfare state" with criminals from all over the world.

Of course we would moan about Apartheid in Israel like we did about South Africa.....but we are Jews or Asians or Popists or Zionists ....or just spineless hypocrite mincers of the sort that should soon be getting everything they so richly deserve...... when the underclass finally discover why the British/Irish Gypo underclass live like pigs..... and the "poor victimized" Jews in Israel don`t!