Simon April 18, 2012, 18:26
The USA and their clonies seems not tu understand that it won’t be businees as usual. They like it or not they’ve no chance to changing the course of the world as they did ages ago. And for Israel governement they will soon realise that their propaganda machine is now useless as we can find information where and when we like. I recorded the programme and I wacthed it when back form work. AMAZING KEEP IT UP.
Derek April 18, 2012, 18:22
FANTASTIC!!!!Julian,keep on keeping on and RT, WELL DONE!!Since Presstv was taken off sky I was concerned about the truth not being told.
osia April 18, 2012, 18:17
They are so afraid of RT here in australia! Great chanel choice, julian.
wild sausage April 18, 2012, 18:16
brillant -- thank you
the area has had many names since B C was invented , again . ( zeitgeist ) a film shows a bit of info . sooooooo much common sence is missing in the world
kev uk April 18, 2012, 18:13
Watched this interview 3 times, well impressed with both assange and nasrallah who certainly didn’t come across as he’s portrayed in western media. You’ve got to fear for assange though, us and british media gunning for him, not to mention the governments, trying to have faith in British justice to stop extradition to Sweden from which the US would quickly extradite him from. Mainstream media is full of lies and propaganda and basically report what they’re told to by the paymasters, ie warmongers. So thanks to rt and assange, nasrallah, more of the same from the best news network around.
Indian April 18, 2012, 18:04
Long Live RT......Gr8 Job.....Plz never lev the path of True........
osia April 18, 2012, 17:55
osiawrote on April 18, 2012, 17:52
Love watching RT.Happy to find so many positive comments about this program and russian chanel. I wish more people in australia knew about this.
Kreative April 18, 2012, 17:53
Thank you. It gives me joy that there are platforms of discussion in the world that prescribe to open dialogue. Keep up the good work and I look forward to tuning in to your next show :)
Deena Stryker April 18, 2012, 17:51
Great program, Julian! Just want to signal a book which provides an in-depth political/philosophical discussion of Sh’ism via interviews with senior clerics around Nasrallah. It was written by a former interantional civil servant named Alastair Brooke, and the title, published by Pluto Pres in 2009, is ’Resistance: The Essence of the Islamist Revolution".

At the end of your interview, Nasrallah touched on what I believe is the least known and most important aspect of Shi’ism, which is that it has always represented the underdog. Nasrallah’s influence beyond the purely power realm is based on that. In the book he also talks about flat organizational structures and independent minds as they relate to Hezbollah’s victory over Israel in 2008.
Awaken April 18, 2012, 17:48
Congratulations to all who made this possible. Please provide transcripts and downloadable content. Thanks for this priceless opportunity.