Shiro Gaijin April 25, 2012, 18:32
No candidate for presidency?

Again everyone is forgetting Ron Paul, as soon as Julian asked who would you vote for I was certain the conversation would lead to Ron Paul, He is the Only choice, Obama & Romney are the same agenda different face, The Illuminati have 2 candidates to secure control of the public yet again, Ron Paul can’t and won’t be corrupted, he is the only one who wants the government to benefit the public by backing off not sticking a camera in your house and groping your kids at airports.
Jim Evans in Worcester April 25, 2012, 18:03

I embrace your honest intentions and idealism Donald and Tachi but suspect all this talk of individual "freedom" is where the USA made the enormous mistake of thinking that ordinary individuals could be free in what really amounts to an anarchist society.

Surely it is now obvious that Zionist Neo-liberalism has created a global tyranny of immense proportions?

Are Rothschild or Soros or the CIA and NATO or the so called global financial markets or the media or "your" politicians etc.... under ANY democratic control?

What the simplistic Adam Smith "freedom" of the Enlightenment very soon creates is totalitarianism....and a walk in the the slums of the USA and Europe offer lots of evidence of that.

Go on....just try voting yourselves out of "your" government`s policies about spending on aid or the banks or war or the IMF or immigration...... and you will soon see how "free" and democratic your country really is!
Jim Evans in Worcester April 25, 2012, 17:39

At the end of the day I know I am not sure I would (and I must confess I have always done stupid things from that point of view..). Bottom line, we are all selfish at some point in our lives. And we have no right to condemn anyone at this point. Besides, have you ever heard of what happened to Mordechai Vanunu in 1986, an Israeli Jew whistleblower that got expelled, kidnapped and imprisoned for telling people what was going on in Israel? Have you watched the many protests and rallies on Youtube (mainstream doesn’t cover them) by the Jews Israeli young generations against the Zionist apartheid? Many are being jailed and beaten up as we speak. Many are refusing to serve in the military and then imprisoned.
So I wouldn’t be too sure if I were you that I was the only one standing for it.
And here then the question.
Why is that Assange never mentioned any of those things during the interview?

An excellent sensible and fair point....and I am so glad that some of us cling steadfastly to the TRUTH that we are ALL just human beings and that culture race religion and nationality are ARTIFICIAL constructs imposed upon us by the accident of where we were born and who our parents just happened to be.

It is absurd that all the Jews who spent centuries lecturing the rest of us about the evils of tribalism should themselves prove to be the most racist and exclusive and right wing of all of mankind once they had stolen some land for themselves!
Donald April 25, 2012, 17:01
The ideals of Communism and even Socialism were never implemented in history by any government (present or past) but are still indeed valid. Unfortunately, they are also utopian. We, men and women, are selfish, and always will be.
But I am with you somehow somewhere in your vague stereotypical discourse. However I do believe that If an attempt to live under those ideals could be made it would only work if made independently, by each individual.
You are invoking to a social state, an artificial father, a super-state de facto, to bypass each individual and to work for the common good. Well, that is not and utopia, it’s a dream that will never come true.
Central power, and power does not know altruism.
You want a change? Start with yourself. Change every bit in your life that you think makes you selfish and do not wait for someone else, an external power, to change every one else as well. Give the example. You want do bring down corporations? OK than, stop buying their products. Quit smoking, driving, buying food you haven’t produced, watching movies, playing videogames. Walk to any destination. We have legs and feet. Make your own house out of natural resources (or waste.. ex. earthships..).
We do not need to give away the opportunity to be beaten up at any moment. No need for protests in the streets. No need for violence. Just throw away your money and everything else this culture has indoctrinated you with.
I personally would love to have the "ba***" to do that. I am trying hard though. Sold the car, I do not use public transportation(for they go on oil as well and they cost too much.. btw they are sponsored by the same oligarchy that wants you to buy cars). I walk everywhere (which keeps me in shape and of course jobless..) and I do not wait for my government to tell me what is right to do and what is not. I decide. Look up on youtube what the Greeks are doing now. In some areas they banned money and they are now exchanging the products they make to buy food and everything they need. That’s the way to beat the system.
Tachi Armada April 25, 2012, 16:18

I do apologise for the overuse of the term ’Jew’in identifying the real perpetrators of the Third Reich. It was brought up quite abruptly by the Slovenian man (In this interveiw) that there were a number of Jewish bankers that helped ’bank-roll’ the activity’s of the nazi party.The interveiw was in no way relative to a historical discussion of this magnitude. Never the less, it seems that only through distortion of clarity and the tireless efforts to dictate history as the victors always being the moral right do the political institutions of allied nations hope to see their ’jobs’ secure!
After Hollywood (via excellent litrature) has shown us such drab grey worlds due to governmental powers not wanting the People to learn the truth of the immense power of each individual they wish to strip our liberties, believing that we will somehow take-it, not withstanding.
And ’Horror-witz!’ stating as if it were a FACT that mankinds 1 true nature is WAR. Maybe for him it is, but not for people (men inparticular) who have not been -->mutilated<-- by their parents and community at a time before concienscous thought!
Donald April 25, 2012, 16:11
Btw, if you are experiencing problems with your connection (dropping, slow loading etc.) while visiting and posting on this website.. Well it is because they are tracking you down. Be aware and watch out.
Theo April 25, 2012, 16:10
Well done, Moo Moo well said, “People”, many people are totally ignorant of what the real socialist/communist virtues are.
If these people think that, Socialism/Communism is a utopian state of affairs, they should wake up from their own utopian-metaphysical religiosity belief system or state of affairs, and blissful sleep of ignorance they are in. A belief system that, keeps them afloat, in a perpetual state of ignorance.
A well known phrase, of religious significance, sums them up and refers to them as the, “blessed are the ignorant" blessed are those that believe in the utopian after life existence. A belief, that, many so called religious fanatics prey upon, as the only reality in life, the after death life? How utopian. Really!!
A belief system that allows the strong and powerful, the wealthy and super-rich individuals, wealthy and rich oligarchic, tyrannical, dictatorial, oppressive establishments of the capitalist/imperialist kind, to live in this planetary paradise, a life of luxury, a life full of materialistic WEALTH, whilst, the rest of them, the followers, the sheep, the blessed ignorant, live in perpetual poverty, misery, a life full of bitterness, as a consequence of their utopian blissful state of ignorance.
These people are fed with mythology, a mythology of the worst kind, a mythology of no substance, unreal, non pragmatic, unscientific, a mythology of Biblical proportion disaster and catastrophic consequences for humanity. A mythology that has taught and initiated them in the art of war and thievery, for them war and its consequences are reality, and a blissfully accepted reality, unquestionably real. Peace and Prosperity for them is an Anathema. This world, the one they live in, the one they participate in their everyday life, the one they witness as an everyday phenomenon, according to them is unreal, however, the one promised to them, the afterlife one, is what they are striving for all their living existence.
How real, Eh!! There is no utopia involved here, eh! What a real world you are living in, eh!
Alleluia brothers,
A fight for a reality check up, Socialism/Communism is the way forward, a fairer world for everyone, not a world belonging only to the very few, 1% of corporate thieves and bandits of the Capitalist regime, the real oligarchic dictators, Imperialist thieves.
If your religion teaches you prosperity, then, there is only one way to achieve prosperity for humanity and this is achieved ONLY with real Socialism/Communism. After all, what is Social and Common? Should be socially common to all of you. Understood? If not, then learn, inform yourself. Do not live in ignorance, is not virtuous.
If your god teaches you that oppression by the rich and powerful is a virtue, then you have to find another god, a god that preaches of real freedom, freedom to have a fair share for the goods that you have planted with you own two hands, you have produced with your own hard Labour. Sharing equally our produce, as we similarly share the planet THE AIR WE BREATH and the planetary system, is the way forward.
The Planet does not belong to the so called privileged ones. The idea that someone is more privileged or blessed to privatized property and owing the planet, is a utopian concept, totally unreal.
So for all of you poor individuals, thinking that capitalism, might one day make you as rich as them, 1%, Wake up, this is utopian thinking. For unless you join the real struggle against cooperate oppression=capitalist oppression=Imperialist oppression, you will never rich the path for Peace and prosperity for the entire World.
Life is a virtue and prosperity for all is our goal.
Donald April 25, 2012, 15:49
Tachi Armada.
I can agree with you only to a certain extent.
I wouldn’t consider Mussolini a catholic and hence condemning all catholics and Italians around the world for what his party, his corporate sponsors and himself have produced. Nor I would call all the Germans who lived between 1930 and 1945 Nazists only because the didn’t get killed by the regime for opposing it. Nor the Islamists or the Turkish people for the crimes perpetrated by their government and army in slaughtering millions of Armenians (they still don’t know that it happened..).
I might call them cowards, or selfish, for not standing against the "rumors" (few had the chance to see what actually was going on.. hence me here following Assange’s cause..we were allowed to see the crimes perpetrated by the US troops in Iraq and took a stand against it) of abuses and atrocities that were perpetrated. But then again would you risk your life today for someone else?
At the end of the day I know I am not sure I would (and I must confess I have always done stupid things from that point of view..). Bottom line, we are all selfish at some point in our lives. And we have no right to condemn anyone at this point. Besides, have you ever heard of what happened to Mordechai Vanunu in 1986, an Israeli Jew whistleblower that got expelled, kidnapped and imprisoned for telling people what was going on in Israel? Have you watched the many protests and rallies on Youtube (mainstream doesn’t cover them) by the Jews Israeli young generations against the Zionist apartheid? Many are being jailed and beaten up as we speak. Many are refusing to serve in the military and then imprisoned.
So I wouldn’t be too sure if I were you that I was the only one standing for it.
And here then the question.
Why is that Assange never mentioned any of those things during the interview?
Mankind April 25, 2012, 14:53
All my life I have heard Jews expressing and holding all sorts of views about the left and right of politics and economics.....but NONE of them would ACTIVELY criticise Israel or Zionism..... if the Jews want to re-join the human race THEY have to prove that THEY really mean what they say....for a change!

Come on "Friends of Israel" in the British Zionist a LEAD!
Newsnight April 25, 2012, 14:42
We are astonished that the truth is being brazenly broadcast on RT when we have devoted decades of painstaking effort to hoodwinking and bullying the stupid British idiots who are daft enough to watch BBC programmes at a cost to them of their freedom and democracy and over four billion pounds every year!

How would the entrepreneurial criminal classes of Israel and the USA hope to survive in luxury and prosperity and NATO/CIA security without the support of Newsnight and Question Time and a whole Parliament full of patriotic "honourable members" dedicated to rooting for them 9/11 and 7/7 and 24/7 ???