Carlomarx April 24, 2012, 22:26
"War is the natural state of mankind" ... bullcrap.

For some yes, for some no. This is the real issue behind the issue, that each of the 7Bn persons on this planet has a different level of development - some have moved way beyond war, some only know war.

What Horowitz is saying is he only knows war, which ties into him being a Zionist because they only know war.

But, there are other people on this planet who know more than more ... I wouldn’t say they have risen above it, just understand it better.

As for the natural state - there is always an incredible amount of co-operation happening between people ... so much so that you forget it, and you only remember the conflict.

Well said
Carlomarx April 24, 2012, 22:24
Owlywrote on April 24, 2012, 21:49
two outdated clowns. Very disappointing. Hope Julian will come with something better next time.
what do u see as outdated about them? i thought they were a great reflection of modern thoughts on these issues. wish we could move further but this is where we r for the most part.
Rideforever April 24, 2012, 22:24
"War is the natural state of mankind" ... bullcrap.

For some yes, for some no. This is the real issue behind the issue, that each of the 7Bn persons on this planet has a different level of development - some have moved way beyond war, some only know war.

What Horowitz is saying is he only knows war, which ties into him being a Zionist because they only know war.

But, there are other people on this planet who know more than more ... I wouldn’t say they have risen above it, just understand it better.

As for the natural state - there is always an incredible amount of co-operation happening between people ... so much so that you forget it, and you only remember the conflict.

Carlomarx April 24, 2012, 22:21
I cant believe horowitz really believes obama is a socialist. I wish he was. Americans need to learn what left wing actually means.
Boris April 24, 2012, 22:20
Why not get Julian to interview all those Jewish oligarchs who got so rich so quickly in the Yeltsin years. We might learn where Israel fits in to our future.
Carnell April 24, 2012, 22:18
Am I the youngest one looking at Julians show

turned 18 year
3 months ago
IfNotNowWhen April 24, 2012, 22:17
Natural state of mankind is war!?
Captivated April 24, 2012, 21:54
Well captured cynicism and lack of general respect(telephone). It was brilliant! Thank you!
Owly April 24, 2012, 21:49
two outdated clowns. Very disappointing. Hope Julian will come with something better next time.
Donald April 24, 2012, 21:45
Very unproductive. Couldn’t you find a more sophisticated conservative?
Fred Magovern, if you refer to this show, I must agree with you. We went nowhere with this discourse (well actually there was no discourse). All they did was regurgitating stereotypical nonsense and unproductive rhetoric.