Ancient Briton June 28, 2012, 19:26
And the rather disappointing answer is that we CANNOT get political control back over our lives because the world has already been globalised beyond our political reach.

I suspect Rothschild`s City of London took over effective control of Britain`s politics before Disraeli became Prime Minister and with the creation of the Federal Reserve in the USA and the ruinous impact of the First World War British national democracy and party politics has almost certainly been pure theatre since 1918.

But if a politician or political party had campaigned as the "Futility" candidate or party who would have voted for it? The secret about democracy is that it`s impossible to achieve and relies on fantasy and deception to continue in existence.
Ancient Briton June 28, 2012, 19:15
I have a proposal to make that may sound timid and uninspiring but that might just work now we have the Internet and an understanding of sociology and science and can see that if gods exist they are really of our own creation.The powerful seldom make mistakes because they have the benefit of writing history and defining success and failure for themselves.
But the 1945 landslide Labour victory was a surprise and so I suspect that it reflected what you and I REALLY WANT but seldom get the chance to have...

.....because public opinion is almost always nothing like the "party political policies" we are TOLD we want....and GET ....whether we want them or not!

Quite simply we want social democracy...a mixed economy that gives us REAL democratic choice and puts US and OUR needs FIRST .....

..and doesn`t allow foreign criminals to rule over us and rob us ..or enslave us in monstrous POLITICAL unions (like NATO and the EU and IMF)....or export our jobs....or give them to imported cheap labour.... or allow religious crazies to tell us how to live or...or impose foreign cultures upon us ..etc etc.

The real question is how did we get so far from what we wanted ....and how can we re-establish political control over our lives?
From the Cave of Forgotten Dreams June 28, 2012, 18:49

You are right of course.I am a very ordinary mediocre old man,who has amounted to nothing and done my share of harm along the way.

Why is scoring these points so easy then?

Simply because there`s so much wrong with the modern world.......so much that God Almighty would soon have a wardrobe full of dirty linen (and HAS!) in his earnest but futile attempts at doing "good" ....while being wicked and greedy and hypocritical is as unavoidable as falling off a rolling log!

And with each succeeding civilisation the story has been the same....as one hopelessly unachievable impractical set of social or religious objectives has proved as useless as the ones preceding it.

Jesus and Mohammed and Marx all sounded very good in their Sunday best or at Friday prayers or at Communist Party meetings.... but we woke up the next day and carried on being expedient and selfish and cruel and dishonest the very next day......and we always will!
Your BBC (LOL) June 28, 2012, 17:28
WE hope CIA/GCHQ,Sir Rupert Murdoch and the Likud, and the other members of the Bilderberger elite, now realise what Sterling Service they are getting for a miserly four billion pounds a year from your BBC.

Needless to say not one word of he truth contained in this comment`s thread would have been published by us.

Is it not time that RT`s scurrilous honesty was obliterated from the airwaves of the free world,so that hard working wrong minded organised criminals everywhere can sleep soundly on their feather beds again?
Murdoch Free Press June 28, 2012, 17:10
When are we getting real democracy in the laughably misnamed "Anglo Saxon" (Zionist?) Neo-liberal dictatorship of Rothschild?
Exploded Composure June 28, 2012, 16:58
Dear dear dear, Mystery Caller!

Not so much fun when the boot is on the other foot is it?

But don`t be shy up there on high.

DO share your considered opinions with us and dazzle us with your superior arguments, and I will do my best to answer any anonymous questions you may have?
And the Truth Shall Set Us Free from Guantanamo Bay June 28, 2012, 16:48
Perhaps Julian would care to respond to the video in an on line article entitled "The legal advisers of the Rothschild`s Waddesdon Trust is also Julian Assange`s lawyer" published by Godlike Productions on 6/11/2011?
Disclosure Exposed! June 28, 2012, 16:38
Some folks discuss t0)heir opinions in public-view, while others use online-comment. ..of course Tariq & Nomsky deserve compliment. ..how valid are those who ’post’ elongated sanctimonious comments while basking in anonimity. lol..if invited to appear on TV, i doubt same folks would be able to verbalise coherently, far less convey intellectual enlightenment!

(Chomsky not Nomsky..excuse typo!)
Disclosed Exposure! June 28, 2012, 16:33
Some folks discuss their opinions in public-view, while others use online-comment. ..of course Tariq & Nomsky deserve compliment. ..how valid are those who ’post’ elongated sanctimonious comments while basking in anonimity. lol..if invited to appear on TV, i doubt same folks would be able to verbalise coherently, far less convey intellectual enlightenment!
Bliar BliarClinton Clinton and Flywheel (Liquidators) Inc June 28, 2012, 16:17
Thank his Holiness and the others for commencing this campaign to clean up corruption in the Anglo Saxon world.

Among examples of our many onslaughts on crime and corruption we would single out the entirely justified prison sentence handed down to Eric Illsley MP for offering outrageous resistance to our humanitarian war in Iraq.

That many others appeared to be just as culpable (but were never prosecuted) is possibly true but "unhelpful" in the context of state security and the rule of law.

Thank goodness Mr Illesley was not allowed to compound and expand on his vile accusations on the BBC`s wonderful Newsnight programme where he was cleverly frustrated by that ikon of investigative journalism Jeremy Paxman.

It would not surprise us at all if he soon joins that financial wizard and Middle East peace negotiator Lord Levy in a Mother of Parliaments, of which it has often been alleged but never entirely proved to our own satisfaction.
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