Gabriel June 27, 2012, 20:40
Excellent news!I am glad we have clarified that to your satisfaction and perhaps kept some small business going with a little free advertising.[/quote]

Business? Advertising??? No, I’m just one of the millions of unemployed graduates of southern Europe. And a libertarian socialist, of course.
Call it proganda if you want, but please think that not everybody thinks of money all the time...
Dr. Fausto June 27, 2012, 20:39
Well ancient, if you think yourself a member of an indegenous comunity it may just happen that it will follow the fate of most of the other indegenous peoples since the expansion of technology. (check the Book Collapse, the fate of civilizations by Jarred Diamond).
To me the case of the jews is that their leaders had manged to give their communities so many rules to live by that they stay away from trouble and all kinds of fun stuff. The only valve left to scape stress is to amass wealth and they got quite good at that. The other factors fall-in by consecuence. But, they over did it after the great war when capital left America causing a depresion and was invested in Europe creating a Boom for investorts that had access to gold and strong currencies. They might over-do it again.
Rachel Corrie June 27, 2012, 20:37
What we need in Palestine is a Rudolph Rocker and Emma Goldman Jewish duo to lead the Palestinians against their Zionist class oppressors and show the world that if you vote for a Jew you don`t always get Netanyahu!
Ralph Miliband June 27, 2012, 20:22
Did someone mention Rudie Rocker and Emma?
I thought socialism was a nice little earner and it beat working for a living, but cop anarchism for a freeloader`s con trick to beat them all.

He certainly was NOT off his rocker!

How are my boys and Jack Straw and Mandy getting on milking their Labour Party racket?

Bet they are all worth a bob or two by now! None of them working for their maximum wage from Rothschild!Lol
Flywheel and Flywheel June 27, 2012, 20:07
Gabrielwrote on June 27, 2012, 19:49
Rocker and Goldman? I have heard of Goldman Sachs but who are Rocker and Goldman and where is there evidence of the good they did? Ancient Briton, Sina refers to Rudolf Rocker and Emma Goldman ;)The evidence of the good they did is in their lives and works.
Excellent news!I am glad we have clarified that to your satisfaction and perhaps kept some small business going with a little free advertising.
Gabriel June 27, 2012, 19:49
Ancient Britonwrote on June 27, 2012, 00:35
Rocker and Goldman? I have heard of Goldman Sachs but who are Rocker and Goldman and where is there evidence of the good they did?

Ancient Briton, Sina refers to Rudolf Rocker and Emma Goldman ;)The evidence of the good they did is in their lives and works.

Dr. Fausto June 27, 2012, 19:07
I dont think is right to blame all ills of the present day society to the Zionist.
Yes, Zionist is a racial (confesional grouping) hate institution, but it was created as a way of defense of the jewish community that felt that their isolation from the main treds was making their community a target of inmoral politicians (zarist russians and nationalist germans).
I had lived many years in the Middle East to know that the Shia, the Maronites, the Sunni consider themselves in the top of god’s picking order. The twist is that they also see the white european above them and Mediterraneans of other faiths, asians and blacks as inferiors; today every body recognizes money as the great devide rather than skin color, but in the case of G-d choosen tribe. The Jews are the tribe of god.
Ancient Briton June 27, 2012, 17:38
Interesting comments Dr Fausto...and something that must resonate with Palestinians and English and Celtic people now our Zionist overlords control immigration into our countries..... though employing completely different brazenly racist principles in doing so.

While criminal global capitalism encourages vast disparities in power and wealth and access to services and jobs and education between different racial groups I think this will carry on happening.

Our Zionist global superpower ensures that Israelis Jews have best free public services while Arab Israelis get inferior services and the Americans (who pay for it all) get nothing like the same quality of services because "Americans can`t afford it".

Of course the professional Zionist liars at Fox/BBC and in our legislatures can be guaranteed to keep shtumm about that....because they are racists!
riverdevata June 27, 2012, 17:04
Video Censored?wrote on June 27, 2012, 12:31
I am in the USA, and I cannot get these videos to play.
No, video, the show plays fine in U.S. Must be your server or something.
Dr. Fausto June 27, 2012, 16:29
Of course, we need to clarify that what allows the social devide to perpetuate itself is racism, that had been used to create a stratified society where many new immigrants from Europe, Asia and the Middle East are treated as "Honorary" white people and are capable to join the mestizo elites quite often by mariage; specially if they have a desirable genetic caracteristic like blue, green, hazel eyes, blonde, auburn, chetain hair, light frame and tall stature.
Is media driven racism that keeps the "developing" countries undeveloped, because they are see themselves as inferiors. European catholicism and beauty ideals did not help either.
I thing there is a biological dimension to their under-devepolment.